Got some new pellets to try , from china . they look the nuts . very thick seat . which i like and well formed . will report back next week when i get a chance to try em HOLLY
PS no more in the country at the mo . get em from uttings .
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I am worried about you and Colin Bazza . possibly time for the old peoples home . . i will look after your FT rigs for you . no don'r thank me . it is the least i can do . HOLLY
The ones i had were 8.48 . they were good Col but i think they would be as good or better than air arms if they were 4.52s . gave mine to bazza . i think he lost em . the lad is not what he was . HOLLY
Tried the YinTong pellets Sunday and unfortunately they really didn't like my barrel. These were the 9.5gr flavour so maybe the 8.4gr will be more successful though I doubt it and at £13 a tin I'll stick to my heavies...:D
Yes i have a tin of heavies for Bazza to try out of his Tsar . which he say's shows much promise . in fact he goes as far as to say it could be a worlds winner ? HOLLY
I am also trying new pellets, have a nice sleeve of JSB heavies sitting in my study waiting for some serious testing Sunday while you're getting soaked. I know it's a hard life but someone's got to do it.
I was asked what was a good group at 50 yards ? the Kill is an inch and a half round . minimum is one inch . good is half an inch . very good is a quarter of an inch . this is of course outdoors in good conditions . HOLLY
No luck with the Shutz i am afraid today . windage was the same but grouping was not as good as with the AAs . so i will wait to see if they do a 4.52 version . HOLLY
OK new pellets tested in the Steyr today . they were in a nutshell not quite as good as the AAs i normally use . i think the 50 head size is against them . they were running ten feet per second faster than the AAs . this i put down to the lack of contact from the head of the pellet . if they bring out a 52 head size , i will give em another try . tomorrow they go through the shutz . maybe better luck with that rifle . one thing that did come out on the steyr after shooting the shutz for some while is that it is too light on the front . i am thinking of fitting a vertical pistol grip to the front via the rail . only snag is they only seem to do them for the weaver . so may have to get a 11 mil to weaver converter . HOLLY
OK new pellets out tomorrow in my Steyr / WL . this is the barrel i think they should suit . it does like a tight fitting pellet . fingers crossed . i will report . HOLLY
PS try em in the shutz wednesday .
I am afraid the first batch from china sold out Wayne . uttings had them and believe one other . they are called QYS domed pellets . they are 4.50 head size , weight 8.48 . to run at 775 fps . for 11 .5 foot pounds . very well formed . a lad from the airgunforum sent me some to try . they also do olympic standard match pellets . the domed pellets are just under a tenner a tin . the more you buy the cheaper you get em for . HOLLY
Hi Holly where did you source them and what did they cost? Cheers Wayne