Took the opportunity to photograph some of the club members, sorry if these are too frightening.
Bazza, Alan, Andy, Mark, Melv (hiding but we can see his glasses), Jon, Alan and some bloke.
Important: Opinions expressed are not necessarily the opinions of the Carisbrooke Rifle and Pistol Club or any individuals directly or indirectly involved in this website or the companies and individuals associated with it.
Hoping to get back at some point. Travelling to Denmark every other week becoming quite boring now and looking forward to the end of this project.
That some bloke Bazza is known for his superb shooting and being the biggest liar in the club . oh yes ??? HOLLY
Alan pretending he knows what he is doing.
Looks like Mark got a target though.
Melv looking for the zero range has just realised where he left his glasses.
At last, Holly gets a target.