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Good to hear from you Simon, must admit I've found it difficult to get over on the Hovercraft, hoping to visit soon though.
Don't leave it to long simon as our place gets really wet after november . Cheers HOLLY
Looks like i might have to put a IOW trip back a week or three, though not quite in local lockdown as yet, our bathroom is not being done next week, its 1st week of October, so thats our trip on hold? Hope to make it some time soon
We did half Andy is doing half . only got two more lanes to do i believe HOLLY
Will put it in the diary Simon and see andy about finishing the course HOLLY
Cheers Holly, if the wife and i make out October trip, corvid 19 dependant, i think i would like to bring the gun and shoot the course again, defo one of my fav Csfta grouds.
Im good at the minute, find out more in mid october.
Oct 11th could be a weekend trip?
Not heard any exclusions simon . barry warren comes over to see us now and again . obviously we keep distance but that does not stop us going around the course in pairs . admittedly only two pairs but that is all we have Ft wise . got a pretty decent course . only two lanes to put out to finish . so why not . HOLLY
PS how are you now . good i hope .
PSS The buccs takes visitors i believe as well .