Decided to sell both my 20=50 lupes and my BSA platinum and get something exotic . BUT WHAT . S&B . Stryker delta . ( heavy ) . march . Hmmmm . what to get . may end up with Falcon . but it would be nice to get a super scope . Even if i cannot really use it . bit like you hey Keith ??? HOLLY
PS And Bazza .
I took the weight lifting course so as to mount the sightron i had . but the muscles never came through in the post ??? HOLLY
Looking on STB i see young Andy has bought a Sightron . how last year . ??? HOLLY
It will be a good rifle for some and not for others . the same as all the FT rifles . i loved it others don't and so on . the FTP was a good rifle . flawed but hey ho . throw some money at it and away you go . i would like a 9015 bull pup . for some strange reason they do not do one . but oh yes that trigger . ahh well onward and upward ??? HOLLY
Id say its not suited to Left handers Barry, the Thumb postitions are right handed. I can see the pellets in flight from my Ev2. I also could witht he Xti, though id only rate it as dead as my Ev2, not 9015 standard, but dead enough.
Here we go . i spoke to a bloke who knew a bloke who knew my sister when ? whoops now that is another story . common bazza , you want one , yes . remember hype . the only rifle he had before was a pump up chinese special . it will be good and for more than two thousand quid . it blooming well ought to be . either way i shall kick your old ass anyway ??? HOLLY
Spoke to a shooter today who had a try of the new Air Arms, he reckons it's the best gun he has ever shot, it's so dead you can see the pellet in flight even at close ranges. Is it ambidextrous, looks like it.
Well decided to go with the falcon X . weight i think is the deciding factor . not getting any younger . so hey ho ??? HOLLY
Well the march is pretty simon . get along with that OK ? HOLLY
Nice optics but thin cross hair may not suit you?
Yes my thoughts on the Delta . not that many used it FT , £1100 for a secondhand one ? weight is not an issue in open class . dunno . gonna have a good look through the one at the club ??? HOLLY
I was surprised how steady I was (even on x60 mag) with the AA Stock so would use it initially. But off set is where I would probably eventually end up. I like being different!
Gonna stick with the AA stock , or warren ? HOLLY
I looked through Sam's a few years ago. I was impressed. then he told me the price. I was not impressed!
Yes Xti is on order to replace the Ev2.
Always been dissapointed in nightforce Simon . look at old Sam on the Circuit . got two adapters on it . at the mo Cheap is the Falcon X . gotta say it is amazing at range finding . that on 30 mag as well . BUT i do like the Delta Stryker . optics are beautiful on it . twice the price and heavy BUT the Vulcan is light at 7 pounds . so that would bring it up to just over 10 pounds with a good lifter . then a secondhand PM11 ? or the new S&B . but that means more saving Hmmmm another march ? Dunno . but the first two look good for the money ??? HOLLY
PS So Simon is the New Air arms for YOU .are gonna get one .
Nightforce. That's the next one for you Holly?
Haaa i hope you do . but if you do , you know " I'll Be Back " ??? HOLLY
Admit, would like a top end scope but only up to the price of the Falcon, could not justify spending more for the amount of use it would get, doubt it would make me a world champ. Anyway shooting with a old T50, on top of a now welded HW97 sitting in a chiselled out Daystate Panther stock will give me more satisfaction when i beat YOU.