You saw it here first . the Ataman Bull Pup .HOLLY

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Well tomorrow we find out if the accupels are the pellets of choice , or are just the running in pellet . the barrel dose get really filthy . and i mean REALLY filthy . so i think those grooves are pretty sharp . two thousand pellets should see what is what . HOLLY
the trigger if you watch you tube . is just one long pull as it comes . turned the second adjuster in all the way . hey presto a second stage . not saying it is match . probably only twice as good as a springer ? HOLLY😀
what you done above the trigger? ah, hammered a nail through to sort the sloppy trigger
Think i have sorted the trigger . find out sunday ??? HOLLY
Shot it today at the club . good very good . windy but i was still getting em . only down side is the trigger . think i am on my way to sorting it though . HOLLY
done now .