Young bazza has a very nice problem . yes he has two good rifles now . both accurate .BUT which one is he going to shoot at the big comps this year . The Steyr or the Daystate . we should all like this problem . watch this space to find out which one he chooses HOLLY
PS Innit Exciting . think i am gonna be sick .
Yes the old chap does get a good one now and again Col . i am myself keeping my powder dry till the big shoots . and then WHAM ??? HOLLY
This old boy did quite well at Basingstoke Sunday, missing 5 targets, now what was Holly's score. Lol
Well he says the daystate takes less wind and has better balance , and the old boy does need all the help he can get , nowadays HOLLY
He'll probably end up taking both and deciding on the day.
You know Bazza . he gets pulled back and forth . you have to chose . and chose now ??? HOLLY
He should stick with the Bizarre to be honest, might actually give me a chance considering that I've only just scraped into Veterans....:D
Not a viable proposition i am afraid . bazza will be contesting the worlds this year in senior class and he needs to choose soon . as he needs to work up to it . and since the rifles have a different character . this means a choice must be made . yes he could take one as a back up . the good thing about the steyr is it easy to sort/service . cheap to . a reg service is only £35 plus post . a reg and block service is £90 . a new reg £90 . you don't have to send the rifle away just the block/reg . so cheaper all round . personally i am not in love with the stainless barrels , so i changed the one on my steyr to a loathar walther match barrel . to me a better choice . needs less cleaning and not so pellet fussy . we will see HOLLY
Both are accurate when working right, best take both to the comps.