Unfortunately the secretary, and committee, of the Sibden Road, Shanklin, range have decided to close the indoor range for the foreseeable future due to the virus. He advises anyone who has property on the premises to get in touch with a key holder to retrieve their possessions.
Please be aware if using the Borthwood Farm range it's your responsibility to ensure your own safety, from the virus, when visiting.
The membership have been informed that Borthwood Farm is closed for now.
I think here that on the island we are not in the same situation as the mainland . there are few cases on the island and none are in hospital . but hey ho i am going cycling . for my daily excersise .
No Andy , raerly see Mick . this is the word from Boris , on high .
I assume that the landowner made that decision then.
Right we have now been told to stay away from the club . myself i will go out on my push bike for some mountain biking . rather mix with the cows anyway ??? HOLLY
Just stay out of the caravan at borthwood farm and if filling your rifles from the air bottle . wear rubber disposable gloves . would seem sensible . i take a flask for a drink . happy shooting . HOLLY